Design Services

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Who we are

Twenty Years Hence is Tony Kuehn and Stephenie Harrison. We’re a location-independent husband and wife team that offers a range of services and skills you won’t find all in one spot anywhere else.[/cta-colorbox]
[one_fourth padding=”5px 10px 0 5px”] tony_temple_headshot View Portfolio » View Photography » [/one_fourth][three_fourth_last padding=”0 5px 0 5px”] Tony has been a professional graphic designer for a decade, with an extensive background as a professional photographer. His past work includes everything from museums for the National Park Service, to halls of fame for clients that include the New York Mets, and nearly everything in between. He currently works in print media and digital media and has a bachelor’s degree in fine arts, where he majored in graphic design and minored in photography. Right now he’s designing logos, websites and collateral branding material for a host of global clients ranging in scale from bespoke designs for individual bloggers to months-long in-depth web projects for universities. With a diverse portfolio, and an aesthetic to match, there’s little in the world of digital or print media he can’t deliver. [/three_fourth_last] [hr] [one_fourth padding=”5px 10px 0 5px”] Steph_beauty [/one_fourth][three_fourth_last padding=”0 5px 0 5px”] Steph received her PhD in psychology from Vanderbilt University. As Dr. Steph, she now turns her extensive academic acumen to a different purpose: research and writing for our clients. Steph is an award-winning published writer, covering a broad range of topics and, in addition to writing, she is also a Google AdWords professional. She’ll make your content sing, be it words or otherwise. Not only will her professional research and marketing skills make sure your content gets in front of the right people, her expertise as a writer will make sure those people understand it exactly the way you intended. [/three_fourth_last] [hr] [cta-colorbox fontcolor=”White” bordercolor=”” background=”mygreen”]

Why work with us?

Working with us is the right decision for you and your project. We’re flexible, attentive, dedicated and provide great value for money.
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[/one_sixth][five_sixth_last padding=”0 5px 0 5px”] We’re small. This means you’ll get all of our attention. You’re our priority and your job will never get lost in the shuffle. If you need something, you’ve got a direct line to the people who are doing it: us. No holds, no secretaries, just you, your project and us. [/five_sixth_last] [one_sixth padding=”0 5px 0 5px”]

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[/one_sixth][five_sixth_last padding=”0 5px 0 5px”] We’re diverse. Between the two of us, there is very little we can’t do. If you have a graphics or marketing project, we’re here to help. We have the knowledge you need to complete the job, and make you and your audience happy. [/five_sixth_last] [one_sixth padding=”0 5px 0 5px”]

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[/one_sixth][five_sixth_last padding=”0 5px 0 5px”] We’re affordable. Part of why we live abroad means we can live a less expensive lifestyle. In addition to that, our overhead is low; it’s just the two of us and our two dogs. So, not only do you get our undivided attention, but you benefit from our low operating costs as well. [/five_sixth_last]

Our services

web | graphic | marketing | photographic

Web design/development View Web Design Work »

We design bespoke themes for WordPress-based websites. Our themes are built from the ground up to fit your needs after an in-depth consultation process.
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[/one_sixth][five_sixth_last padding=”0 5px 0 5px”] WordPress development. We specialize in projects for the extremely popular WordPress framework. Its active development community, great security and huge amount of flexibility make it the perfect solution for almost any type of web project. We build themes from scratch for every client, no cookie-cutter frameworks or one-size-fits-all themes here. Every project is designed to fit our client’s respective needs.
    • [fontawesome]fa-question-circle[/fontawesome] Why WordPress? (click to read more)
      Why not Joomla or Magento or XYZ content management system? We use WordPress exclusively for a number of reasons. First, it has one of, if not the, biggest ecosystems out there. There is more support for WordPress than almost any other platform. Second, it’s secure and has a long track record of updates and enhancements. Hundreds of people work every day to make it better and better. Third, it’s free. Using this framework lets us concentrate on making you the best product possible at no additional cost to you. Fourth, it’s flexible. We can do anything with WordPress, and I do mean anything. It’s scalable and easily modified at every level, meaning if you want something done, we can do it and you still get to have the outstanding usability WordPress is famous for.
  • [fontawesome]fa-question-circle[/fontawesome] Why a custom theme, why not a pre-made theme? (click to read more)
    Why should I get a theme custom made instead of buying one from a marketplace? While pre-made (‘out of the box”) themes have their advantages, they come with some hidden pitfalls and there are some very good reasons we advise not using them if you’re serious about your online presence. With pre-made themes, you get what you pay for. As much as it’s a cliche, it’s often true.
    1. Since pre-made themes are much more popular, they tend to be an easy target for hackers. If they find a vulnerability in one theme, then they’ve found their way into hundreds, if not thousands of sites. Our themes are secure, and unique. No one is hunting them down as potential targets, and we’ve never been hacked, not even once.
    2. Customization is harder on pre-made themes. They tend to be designed to look a certain way, and work and certain way, and when you want to step outside of that functionality you end up re-making a lot of the theme, if the changes are even possible. When you use a custom theme, we make it do exactly what you want, from the beginning. No shoehorning capabilities into some uncooperative theme you bought from somewhere.
    3. Updates and support. While there are good developers making pre-made themes, you have no idea if you got one or not. Maybe they ripped off someone else’s work, maybe they will never answer e-mails, maybe they opened a security hole they can’t — or won’t — fix. You have no idea who is on the other end of that $39 theme you just bought, and often you’re on your own. When we build your theme, you can rely on us for as long as you use the theme. If anything goes wrong that you need help with, we’ll be there to help, for free, forever.
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[/one_sixth][five_sixth_last padding=”0 5px 0 5px”] Responsive design. All of our projects are fully mobile responsive. Designed from top to bottom for the mobile environment, our designs look just as good on a phone as they do on a big screen. [/five_sixth_last] [one_sixth padding=”0 5px 0 5px”]

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[/one_sixth][five_sixth_last padding=”0 5px 0 5px”] Loaded with features. All of our designs come with a wide array of custom features. A toolbar button loaded with custom shortcodes, control panel pages, and custom image sliders are just a few of the things our themes come with right out of the box. Beyond that, if there is something you want your site to do, we can make it happen. [/five_sixth_last] [one_sixth padding=”0 5px 0 5px”]

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[/one_sixth][five_sixth_last padding=”0 5px 0 5px”] Built for you by people who know. We’re bloggers, and we make our living on the internet. We know what you need from a website. We’ll build your entire project, from scratch, using our own code. If there is a feature you want, we can provide it. We’re professional developers who are highly proficient in PHP, jQuery, CSS3, and HTML5 and we can make your website do anything you want. [/five_sixth_last] [one_sixth padding=”0 5px 0 5px”]

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[/one_sixth][five_sixth_last padding=”0 5px 0 5px”] Expertise. Back-end issues? Whether you’re working with cPanel or something custom, we’ve probably been there. We can move sites from a local server to a live server, from one host to another, change domain names, update themes, troubleshoot errors, clear spam and malware infestations, optimize databases and pretty much anything else you can think of the requires more than your average level of technical know-how. [/five_sixth_last] [one_sixth padding=”0 5px 0 5px”]

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[/one_sixth][five_sixth_last padding=”0 5px 0 5px”] Free support. Forever. As long as you’re using our theme, we’ll provide support. If you have a problem, need help or have questions, we’ll be here to assist you and make sure that, as long as you’re using something we made, you’ll never be left out in the cold. [/five_sixth_last]

Web design services we offer:

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Complete, custom websites From $1000US

We’ll use the extremely secure and popular WordPress framework to build you a website from the ground up. Our custom websites include all the back-end features you need to make your site successful: advanced SEO management, easy content management, custom widgets, advertising space, custom headers and logos, and a unique design that is sure to make your brand stand out from the crowd.

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Modifications and consultation From $75US/hour

Cpanel issues? Need to migrate a website from one domain to another? Spam got you down? Have you been hacked? Do you want a recommended posts section, but can’t find a plugin that works the way you want? Or maybe you want to offer a subscription service, but don’t know how to implement it? If there is functionality that you want your site to have or a problem you want to fix, but you can’t do it yourself, we offer tailor-made solutions to fit your needs.

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Header images and logos From $250US

Your blog is a visual representation of your brand and your passion. Along with a logo, your header image plays a huge part in your visitors’ first impressions of your site. We can help you make sure your header image shines. If you’re interested in a new logo along with your header, contact us for package rates.

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Social media icons From $50US

Need custom social media icons for your website? We can provide icons to match the feel of your site for any social network you are a part of, and we will also include “mouse-over” versions if you need those as well.

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Digital branding package From $250US

Are your social media properties blowing up and you need some distinctive branding? We can provide you with a complete social media branding package. Our package will include (but isn’t limited to) a favicon, social media icons, social media background images, avatars, header images, social network-specific logos and writing assistance for profiles and bios.

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Graphic design View Graphic Design Work »

We use industry-leading software to create your print collateral. We’ve worked with printers on everything from color-laser to industrial grade four-color process and spot jobs, and if that means nothing to you, just take our word for it: we’ve done this before.
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[/one_sixth][five_sixth_last padding=”0 5px 0 5px”] Work with a professional. Tony has been a professional designer for over a decade. He has the skills and knowledge to elevate your brand and perfect your message. He has worked in every print media from small to large, from brochures to museums and can handle any sort of job. [/five_sixth_last] [one_sixth padding=”0 5px 0 5px”]

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[/one_sixth][five_sixth_last padding=”0 5px 0 5px”] We have the tools. Need to make an ePub? Need a logo? Or maybe a book cover? A brochure? A banner? How about a media kit or business cards? Yes, yes, yes and yes. We can do it. [/five_sixth_last]

Graphic design services we offer:

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Logo design From $250US

Your logo is the gateway to your brand. In many cases, it’s the first thing your visitors see when they come to your site or deal with your collateral materials (business cards, media kits, etc). It pays to have a logo that quickly and effectively conveys the message you want about your brand and your mission. Our multi-step process will give you the logo you need to market yourself effectively.

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Business cards From $150US

The power of person-to-person marketing can’t be dismissed, and a business card is the best way to make sure that new contact doesn’t forget to track you down once you’re no longer face-to-face. Our services will provide you with a functional, beautiful business card layout that will stand out from all the others.

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Media kit From $250US

A media kit is an essential tool for any blogger who wants to form meaningful partnerships with potential sponsors or business partners. In addition to designing you a kit that displays your brand in professional and visually arresting way, we can also offer consultation on images, writing, and overall content direction.

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Book covers From $200US

You’ve got the inside of the book covered, but what about the cover? We know they say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but a good first impression never hurt anyone. Draw in more readers, get more downloads and market more effectively with a professionally designed book jacket. We can provide print-ready files as well as digital files for popular marketplaces like Amazon.

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Print collateral From $150US

Need a brochure? How about a banner? If you need something designed for print output, we’ve got you covered. From large to small, we’ve done it and can help you achieve your goal. Four-color process and spot, color-laser, dye-sub, fabric and more, we’ve worked in nearly every format and can set your project up from top to toe.

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web | graphic | marketing | photographic


Steph is a certified Google AdWords professional. She’s also a published writer in national publications. She has the training, the experience and the resources to make your marketing campaign a success. Every campaign is different, so if you’re interested in professional management for your AdWords campaign or copy writing then contact us and let Steph help you.
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[/one_sixth][five_sixth_last padding=”0 5px 0 5px”] Google certified. Steph is a certified Google Professional. With extensive training and experience backing her every move, you can be sure that your ad campaign will receive the most views for the lowest budget. She works with a diverse array of clients and can become an expert in whatever you’re selling in no time thanks to her extensive background in research. [/five_sixth_last] [one_sixth padding=”0 5px 0 5px”]

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[/one_sixth][five_sixth_last padding=”0 5px 0 5px”] Experienced and published writer. Steph regularly write book reviews for a national publication. In addition to that, she has been published in leading scientific journals and writes most of the content for our blog. Her experience and word-craft will make your content sing! [/five_sixth_last]

Marketing services we offer:

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AdWords Campaign Management Request a quote!

Our AdWords services include an initial consultation where Steph will evaluate your needs, examine any existing campaigns and talk to you at length about what she recommends for your campaign. She’ll then set up your campaign and manage all aspects of AdWords on a monthly basis. Every month she’ll provide you with a report that details what happened in your account and any suggestions she has for the coming months. She’ll work with you to improve your website with regard to AdWords and will write the ads and handle integration.

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Copy writing From $40US/hour

Steph can write anything from a post to an article to ad copy. Whatever needs you may have, she can provide you with beautiful prose that serves perfectly. She’ll evaluate your needs and come back with the best copy for the space.

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web | graphic | marketing | photographic

Photographic services View Photography »

Tony worked as a professional photographer for five years shooting over 200 weddings, countless portraits, and too many products and plates of food to count. His interests have since shifted from products and weddings to street portraits and destinations as full-time travel has become an integral part of his life.
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[/one_sixth][five_sixth_last padding=”0 5px 0 5px”] Hire a professional. Tony has been educated in photography and has been an active photographer for over 10 years. He has had the time to perfect his vision and has a fine eye for detail. If you want to commission a shot or use some of his photographs in your own work, please get in touch for a quote based on your needs. View Tony’s most recent photos » [/five_sixth_last] [hr] [cta-colorbox fontcolor=”” bordercolor=”” background=”mygreen”]

What our clients say

Don’t just take our word for it, have a look at what our many happy clients have to say about working with us. Our mission is to make you happy, and we won’t settle for anything less.[/cta-colorbox]
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What are you waiting for?

We’re available now! Get in touch with us today and tell us all about your project. We’ll estimate it for free and help you every step of the way. If you want your work to shine, contact us now and let us take the reins![/cta-colorbox]
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Tell us about yourself and your project. Visit and contact us there for more details.