First: thank you for visiting and taking an interest in Twenty Years Hence! This site is the dictionary definition of a labor of love, and it means so much to us to know that people other than ourselves (and our immediate family members!) have been enjoying our content. One of the most rewarding aspects of our travels to date has been the people we have met, and that certainly extends to our readers who have reached out and connected with us either through comments, emails, or even offline in the real world (imagine that!).
The Short Of It
We love what we do—and we hope you do too!—but the reality is that both this site and the act of travel cost money. Our day-to-day costs vary based on country and what we’re doing, but every delicious meal we’ve savored and shared with you, every activity we have pursued—whether it is learning to SCUBA & showing you that you can too, or spending a night at a Buddhist monastery in pursuit of enlightenment—and every hotel/hostel we have stayed in (and then reviewed for you here) has chipped away at our travel fund. We gladly pay the money because we believe these experiences matter, and we know that spending this money will allow us to report honestly about these things to our readers.
Our sole goal at Twenty Years Hence is to live without regrets and take a trip that is true to who we are. This means writing posts that are candid and open and stem from our own interests and experiences; this is the only way that we truly believe we can provide our readers with the best material—content that inspires and informs. To date, every single post on this site has been written by us. Moreover 99% of the activities we write about are paid for in full from our travel fund. In a few exceptional circumstances we have been hosted or received a discount in exchange for coverage on this site, but we prefer to keep these experiences to a minimum and only accept these opportunities if we believe they will be of interest and values to our journey and our readers. We feel that in most cases, if we are not willing to “put our money where our mouths are” (so to speak), then we should not expect anyone else to do the same.
We would like to keep 20 Years Hence ad-free, if possible, and continue to be proud of the content that we produce. If you feel similarly and would like to contribute, you can help us by sending a little money our way. It may sound trite, but every little bit helps! For just $5, you can buy us a delicious meal in many parts of Asia. For $10, you’ve covered our site’s hosting costs for an entire month (instead of it coming out of our travel fund)! For a little bit more, you can send us to a cooking class, or white water rafting, or maybe even bungee jumping (if Tony ever gets up the nerve)!
If you have enjoyed what we have built in the past two years and would like to see us continue our adventures for another year—and beyond!—then any money you can spare would be invaluable!
What are you waiting for? Click the button below to feed our travel fund via PayPal!
The Long of It
Below are several ideas for how you can support our dream:
1) To the site: If you believe what we are doing here is worthwhile, why not send a little money our way to keep it going? The site has monthly hosting & upkeep fees that are currently coming straight out of our travel fund! For the cost of two cups of coffees back in the States, you can help keep our site up for an entire month. We promise, our site will get you out of bed & is better for you in the long run.
2) To charity: Do you have a cause you would love to champion, but feel like you can’t because you’re stuck back home? If there’s a pet project you’d love us to put money towards, we’ll make sure your money is gets where it needs to in order to support your passions. Whether it’s $5 or $500, if you want us to buy school supplies for children in Luang Prabang, Laos, or donate it to the local animal shelter on Koh Lanta, Thailand, then that is exactly what we’ll do. And of course, we’ll make sure we take plenty of pictures showing what your money has done, and give you a shout-out on the site when we write about it.
3) To adventure: Sponsor an activity! Maybe you’d like to play puppet master for a day and send us on an adventure we might not have the funds or inclination to do on our own. Want to see us trek to the Everest Base Camp, view Angkor Wat from a hot air balloon, or go diving in the Red Sea? Great! So do we! Unfortunately, with our limited funds, we have to pick and choose which adventures we undertake. But if you’re willing to contribute to or fund one, that’s an offer we certainly won’t refuse!
4) To food: If you love our food posts and want to see more, maybe you’d like to treat us to a meal. For as little as $5 we can both eat quite well in certain parts of the world; double that, and that’s a splurge meal for us! I think we can all agree that this site would be 100% less delicious if we had to cut back on our meals, so consider buying us lunch!
We will send a postcard from our current destination to any person who donates $20US or more!
If any of these options sound appealing to you (or if you have one of your own), click the button below to send us some money via Paypal! You can include a message that lets us know how you want us to use the money (if you just want us to enjoy it however we see fit, that’s fine too), and if you’re donating $20USD or more, be sure to include your mailing address so we can get a postcard off to you!
1) Web Design: We designed and coded Twenty Years Hence from the ground up, and we hope you are loving our look as much as we do. We’ve also had the opportunity to do some design work for a few other clients (which you can check out on
Tony’s portfolio site). Whether you are a fellow blogger looking to rebrand or needing a complete overhaul, or someone looking for a professional site for your business, we would love to work with you! Or maybe you know someone who has been thinking of starting a blog or who needs a website and just doesn’t know it yet! Either way, please check out or
Design Services page and
contact us letting us know what you need and we’ll take it from there.
2) Writing & Photography: Are you looking for a freelance writer? If so, Steph is your gal! Writing has long been her passion and she is always open to producing paid content on topics that interest her. For the past three years she has been writing professionally for BookPage, one of the leading book review publications in the United States, as both a reviewer and interviewer. She is also happy to write non-fiction pieces that are more narrative in their scope, as evidenced in the majority of her posts here on Twenty Years Hence.
If you have a project that requires stunning photography, then look no further: Tony worked for several years as a professional photographer and is the man behind the gorgeous photos you see on our site. Whether you want portraits, landscapes, products, or stock images of a particular place, we can get you the images you need.
If you require either of these services, don’t hesitate to
contact us with your pitch, and we’ll get back to you with a quote.